Marion Ve
Marion Ve

Marion Ve

  • Colombia – Cartagena
  • International Experience
  • –
  • Business Administrator by profession (Universidad EAFIT)
  • (Graffiti - mural - director of creative projects with social impact. More than 8 years of experience).

Under the premise that a smile can save lives, my work focuses on inspiring others to smile from the heart through color and writing good energy messages. heart through color and the writing of good energy messages.For the materialization of this philosophy I use mixed media and experimental and experimental techniques in my work, combining materials such as aerosol, vinyl on murals and canvases without forgetting the individual nature of each individual nature of each project and the requirements that each of these occupy in material, as cases of recyclable materials, installations among others.

My professional approach allows me to develop pedagogical methodologies of impact that generate identity on the part of those who interact with the energy of each piece, because for this artistic project there is no art without experience, no work without impact, no conscience without smiling. of each piece, because for this artistic project there is no art without experience, no work without impact, no consciousness without smiling.

It is important to understand this project to be aware of the meaning for me to achieve a smile in another person, SMILE: it means to recognize the difficulties of life. And the situations, facing them with love and motivation. smiling is the most frank way to share the greatness of being, it is a sincere act of wanting to love and to be loved. It is a sincere act of wanting him/her to receive your best energy [when done from the heart]. [when it is done from the heart].

I firmly believe that “any profession taken to its maximum expression can be considered art” that is why the efforts of my work are oriented to “Transform physical and mental spaces through good energy” mainly, inviting those who interact with it to BE ARTISTS not to “DO art” so that in this way they BE doing whatever they do.

Media such as EL UNIVERSAL (Col), NOVEDADES (Mx) among other presses have highlighted that her art transmits joy and light. This project invites to share the best energy of each person.

(There is no piece that does not have a written message of good energy).

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